About Panjandrum

- What We Look For
- Application Process
- Deadlines
Past Grants
Contact Us



What We Look For:         TOP

The anticipated impact and benefits of the project/program on the quality of life in New Hampshire
Focus on our core interests of the environmental conservation, human rights and women
Meeting well-defined, critical community needs and showing measurable results
Cooperation and collaboration with other organizations and the community
How Panjandrum Foundation funds will leverage or attract other funds
Identity of the target population to be served
The extent to which projects are preventative, creative and farsighted
Financial and management strengths of the organization
Diversity of staffs, boards, and constituencies
Community support (i.e. formal or official support by a municipality, if relevant)
The sustainability of the project/program once Panjandrum funding has ended

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Trustees of the Panjandrum Foundation are not currently accepting applications. Please check back on this web site in the future, and best wishes in your work.


If you have already submitted your application, please make sure you have mailed three (3) complete copies of the following attachments, in this order, to the address below.

One page detailed project budget, with brief narrative if applicable
One page organizational operating expenses and revenues budget for the current year
Financial statements -- income statement and balance sheet -- (audited if applicable) for the most recently completed fiscal year
Explanation of funding sources: Names of major past sources (corporations, foundations, government agencies, contributed income, benefit events, earned income) and amounts
List of current and potential sources of funding for the proposed project or program, including amounts
501(c)3 Statement
List of the Board of Directors and related qualifications/affiliations
One page biographical information and qualifications of key staff

We would appreciate attachments that have a 12-point typeface and generous margins, and ask that you not use plastic covers or binders. We encourage double sided printing. Please do not enclose videos or cassettes.

Panjandrum Foundation
7 Corporate Drive
Keene, New Hampshire 03431

Full proposal packages (online application and attachments) will receive an initial review by the Foundation Administrator before going to the Panjandrum Foundation Trustees for decisions. Site visits/meetings may be arranged.

Deadlines:         TOP

Proposals must be received on or before May 1 or November 1. Notification will be approximately six weeks after the deadlines via mail or e-mail.

Other:         TOP

The Panjandrum Foundation is interested in evaluating the outcomes and success of the programs/projects it funds.

A Contract and a Completion Report will be required as a condition of funding.

© Copyright 2014 Panjandrum Foundation
All rights reserved worldwide